View Full Version : George McKay

29-11-21, 15:36
I have just found out that George (Mac) McKay crossed the bar after suffering from cancer recently. Mac served on Lowestoft as an ME from 1969-72 and reached the rank of CPO later on. His funeral is being held at Weston Mill cemetery at 1400 on 6th December. RIP Mac.

29-11-21, 15:54
George joined the Lowie Association back in 2015 but has not been an 'active' member.
RIP George


29-11-21, 16:08
RIP George.

01-12-21, 06:49
I remember Mac from my days on Lowie,brought back a couple of stories,
We bunked opposite on the lower bunk, on one occasion after a run ashore he'd had a skin full and promptly threw up which reached my side.After which he paid for my bedding to be dhobyed,Not long affter I'd been on a bender and was also feeling ill,but I shouted at him for a bucket which he duly provided and sorted me out.
I was courting my now wife at the time and she had 3 sisters that used to attend Pembroke naafi club on Thursday evenings,he tried his best to trap one though not for trying after a couple of weeks he gave up.
Rest in peace Mac.

02-12-21, 17:18
RIP George

06-12-21, 01:07
Sad news. rip