View Full Version : Bob (Wendy) Craig

12-09-11, 18:11
The Association was informed that Bob had 'crossed the bar' by his daughter Sharon who was looking for any of his ex-Lowestoft mates that may be able to provide some information on her Dad as he died when she was very young.
A number of members remembered Bob and their recollections of a great 'run ashore oppo' and some photo's have been forwarded to Sharon.


12-09-11, 18:13
Sandy Sanders Posted: December 22, 2010 11:14 pm

A cool dude, A great shipmate, an even better run ashore oppo.
He never let you down, and was always there for you.
A laugh a minute, all ways good for the crack.
He lived life to the full, and he was one of the best I have known,
with a great heart, his as with all matelots was a celebration of life

12-09-11, 18:14
bonzo Posted: December 23, 2010 08:56 pm

Wendy Craig was a wonderful bloke to have as a shipmate.Always fun and one of those people you were always happy to meet.I was so pleased to hear he was on this site at first but then very sad to find he was gone.I would like to think he is up there sussing out the run ashore that awaits us all.Always first to the bar.R.I.P.mate

12-09-11, 18:15
thomash123 Posted: July 23, 2011 11:51 pm

It was a pleasure to have known and served with Wendy. We had many good days and nights out whilst onboard. Nothing was ever to much trouble for him and he would gladly help anyone out. I was lucky enough to attend his wedding in 75 at Leigh Park.
A good friend to have and a fantastic sailor.



22-10-15, 21:44
Rip Wendy, it was a pleasure to have known you.