View Full Version : Max Maxwell-Holroyd

12-09-11, 18:56
I have been informed by Max's wife Janet that sadly he "crossed the bar" on Saturday 13th August 2011.
He had been in hospital for what he called a 'minor' heart operation just a few weeks ago and was looking forward to getting back to leading a full life.
I didn't know Max personally but since he joined the Association a few months ago he did a lot of work behind the scenes to promote the Association and the reunion in the Kent area. We had a lot of contact via email and he obviously had retained his 'matelots' sense of humour.
He was particularly looking forward to the reunion and meeting up again with old shipmates and Admiral Sir John Treacher his former Captain, who he described to me as his 'role model'
Max served in Lowestoft 1965-1967 as an ERA2 and subsequently went to Dartmouth as an 'Upper Yardsman' and gained his commission.
On leaving the RN he worked in sales for IBM for over 20 years before retirement.

I have sent our condolences on behalf of the Association to his wife and family.



12-09-11, 18:57
jimreeves Posted: August 20, 2011 09:18 pm

Max joined Lowestoft in 65 as an ERA2, he was a gentleman to work with , many a laugh we had down the boiler room during the middle watch when we were steady steaming. Max had a way of working with junior rates and was a great instructor. He took ten of us under his wing, in a training programme that he set up , we sat the fleet board in Malta and all passed with flying colours . Captain Treacher put him forward for a commission. I was looking forward to meeting him again , sadly not to be.
Jim Reeves


11-10-11, 20:41
Posted on behalf of Nick McNally:

I joined up in 1961 with Max and we were in the same hut in Hawke Division for a year. Max was "ribbed" frequently in the early days, about his double-barrelled surname but took it in good heart. When we were all given our "Name Type" (pieces of slotted wood; each one having a 1/2" tall letter from our surname embossed on the end, which had to be assembled in the correct order and fixed to a lath of wood to spell the surname) Max, again, was "ribbed" about the length of his name as it was longer than the breast of his No.8s (AWD) shirts . He took this in good heart also. When given pots of white and black paint with which to mark our "Name Tapes" or directly onto our individual items of clothing, bedding, etc. (of which there was plenty) he did not seem too perturbed. However, when he was still using the skeins of red silk thread to sew his name into items of kit 3 months after he joined, was charged for the extra skeins he needed and had no spare time to do much else, he was not a happy chappie, at all! The experience obviously didn't scar him too much as he went on to Dartmouth as an Upper Yardman.

Max was a friendly and cheerful 'mate' many years ago and I was sad to hear he had "crossed the bar". My condolences go to his family, relatives and friends.

Nick McNally
Shipwright Lt RN Retd