View Full Version : Tom Blacklock
We are very shocked and saddened to hear that Tom Blacklock 'crossed the bar' today 12 May 2014 aged just 67.
All our thoughts at this time are with his wife Val and family and friends.
Tom was a keen member of the 'Lowestoft Association' and served onboard 1970-73 as a Gunnery rate.
He was a staunch reunion supporter and made the effort to travel down to every reunion from the North East with his good Lowie oppo Martin White. He was the life and soul of the party, a pleasure to talk to and made everyone smile that he came into contact with.
We have lost a dear friend and shipmate.
RIP Tom it was an honour to have known you.
Numbed, Gutted, Shocked, when Martin told me this afternoon I was lost for words. Only knew him through the reunions but felt like I had known him forever. My singing partner at reunions. Tom you will be missed more than you ever thought possible. My thoughts to Val and your family.
I will post funeral arrangements when I know
R.I.P and Stand Easy Seafarer
Very much of a shock to read of Tom crossing the bar, very sad and he will be very much missed by us. Love to his family.
12-05-14, 19:54
Very sad and still young RIP Tom.
I can't believe it that Tom (Blackie) has 'crossed the bar.' I joined Lowestoft on 29th December 1969 with Tom whilst she was nearing the end of her refit at Chatham. He was a great buddy of mine and was a genuinely great guy and oppo. I'm so glad that we met up again at the 1st Lowestoft reunion at Chatham in 2011 (after 40 years). He is going to be badly missed by all that knew him and my thoughts go out to his family and friends. This is so sad for me personally but I'm so glad that we met up again and had another great reunion at Stafford last October. R.I.P. Shipmate.
Sandy Sanders
12-05-14, 20:55
I am so shocked.
Its almost a year now since I lost my brother.
I just cant take it in, he was so much the life and soul.
Please pass on to his family that we are sending prayers.
Such men as this are few now,
We will be forever the richer,
for we shared a part of his life,
and he ours.
I am so sad that my mate blackie, Tom blacklock has passed away, knocker white rang me to tell me the sad news. I thought he was winding me up, but no it's true. He made me captain of the gun at on the lowestoft we worked well together, knocker and I have known him 40 years I lost touch but knocker lived by him, I was so glad to get to the reunion at Stafford to meet up with him after all this time, you are going to be so missed leading seaman tom blacklock bottoms up mate atty 3e mess
Blackie ................Sorry to hear the Sad Sad news was looking forward to meeting him again at the reunion after 41 years ........
One of the Good Guys
Buster {his 3 of the left ..3E mess}
13-05-14, 09:43
Very sorry indeed to hear that sad news, I only met him at the reunions and through them got to realise what a great bloke he was. I would love to have served with him. RIP Tom and heartfelt condolences to your family.
Words fail me in what to say or write, but a great man and shipmate who will be sadly missed.
Very pleased to have known him and served with him.
Jock Dickson
13-05-14, 10:23
A tragic end to a great guy. I will always remember meeting him for the first time at Chatham at our first reunion, he was the one who was always smiling and laughing. He will be sorely missed at future reunions. RIP and very sincere condolences to his family and 'Knocka'.
Well he was a gunner (
Very sad news indeed. A big hearted man who I was privileged to know through the reunions. My sympathy to his family. RIP Tom, you won't be forgotten.
Shocked and saddened by the news of Tom, met him in Chatham he was a great guy RIP Tom condolences to the family
Mick Drake
13-05-14, 17:56
So sorry to hear of one of our Lowie shipmates has crossed the bar. From reading the threads on here he was thought a great deal about by all who served onboard with him & everybody who he has met up with who served on the Lowestoft before and after his time.
As I said to Ian yesterday it was certainly a sudden & shocking loss to everyone he has left behind but a painfree and quick departure, one which when my time comes I hope is afforded to me.
My condolences to all.
RIP Tom, tragic news of a good shipmate, condolencies to all His family,
I joined Lowie in 69 with Tom and worked with Him on the 4.5 for most of my time on there. My wife Edna met Him for the first time at the second reunion and classed Him as a true gent, is now very upset.
He will be sadly missed by every one who knew Him. God bless Tom.
Steve cook (Sam) and Edna
14-05-14, 09:31
So shocked and sad to hear about Tom, condolences to all his family and friends. It was lovely to meet him again at the the reunions having not seen him since I left the Lowie in 1973, he will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him, RIP Tom.
Gerry Scott
Graham 'Eddie' Fisher
14-05-14, 10:28
The loss of Blackie is very sad, he was a wonderful shipmate and colourful character. The type of person you wanted around when the chips were down! As a crew of 70-72 we were rarely without a song and a laugh, he will be sorely missed.
Eddie (Graham)
I have been informed by Martin White via Toms wife Val the following details:
Hi Richie.. I have heard from Val to say Tom will be Cremated on Wednesday 21st at Whitley Bay Cemetery / Crematorium, Blyth Road (The Links), Whitley Bay, NE26 4NH
At 09:45, dress will be Checked shirts no black, It will humanist service so I hope the coffin will be a battle ship ha-ha.. Family flowers only and donation to his favourite charity Blyth Battery.. then to the masonic lodge which he was a member of.. ok if you need any more info let me know... cheers shippers..
15-05-14, 14:51
I have been informed by Martin White via Toms wife Val the following details:
Hi Richie.. I have heard from Val to say Tom will be Cremated on Wednesday 21st at Whitley Bay Cemetery / Crematorium, Blyth Road (The Links), Whitley Bay, NE26 4NH
At 09:45, dress will be Checked shirts no black, It will humanist service so I hope the coffin will be a battle ship ha-ha.. Family flowers only and donation to his favourite charity Blyth Battery.. then to the masonic lodge which he was a member of.. ok if you need any more info let me know... cheers shippers..
Unable to be there in person but will be there in spirit, as I'm sure lots of us Lowie's will be.
Not able to attend but will be raising a glass to Tom. (
Likewise, but a checked shirt will be rig of the day, Ian that is one awesome tribute picture
Not able to attend but will be raising a glass to Tom.
Very well presented that man. Would have gone if within striking distance but will also raise a glass to a very nice man who I enjoyed talking to at our reunions.
Ian kindly gave me permission to share this fantastic tribute on the HMS Lowestoft Facebook page and the shipmates reunited FB page, This is a message from Toms Sister:
Caz Blacklock Hi all, I am Tom's youngest daughter Caz. I just wanted to say thank you for this amazing tribute to what i can only describe as one of the nicest men to grace the sea's and who was remembered by everyone he met, due to his amazing personality, helpfulness and wicked sense of humour He will be remembered fondly and with so much love and affection. Thank you again x
16-05-14, 08:31
Ian kindly gave me permission to share this fantastic tribute on the HMS Lowestoft Facebook page and the shipmates reunited FB page, This is a message from Toms Sister:
Caz Blacklock Hi all, I am Tom's youngest daughter Caz. I just wanted to say thank you for this amazing tribute to what i can only describe as one of the nicest men to grace the sea's and who was remembered by everyone he met, due to his amazing personality, helpfulness and wicked sense of humour He will be remembered fondly and with so much love and affection. Thank you again x
He certainly will Caz, he certainly will.
16-05-14, 08:32
Not able to attend but will be raising a glass to Tom.
Great stuff Ian, a fitting tribute.
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