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Thread: Admiral Sir Raymond Lygo KCB

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Heald Green Cheshire NOT Greater Manchester!!!
    Cheers Ian,Admiral Lygo had a very varied career,both in the RN and outside didn't he?And it was brilliant that as 1st Skipper of the Lowie he found the time to attend the reunion last October,I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that he will be sorely missed,obvously by especially his family,but also by all of us.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    N/W London
    Very sad news indeed. I'd never met him before but I was touched by his smiling aknowledgment of me at the reunion. He struck me as a true gentleman. May he rest in peace.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Heald Green Cheshire NOT Greater Manchester!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    Very sad news indeed. I'd never met him before but I was touched by his smiling aknowledgment of me at the reunion. He struck me as a true gentleman. May he rest in peace.
    Also with me Chas,like you I had never met him before the reunion,but he had a smile and a word for all of us didn't he? As you said a true gentleman. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time for them.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Attached is the Obituary from the "Daily Telegraph" dated 23 March 2012

    "Do the right thing, even when no one is watching . . . It’s called integrity." ​

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Cumbernauld Scotland

    The very best

    We all think during our time in the Navy that we have one special ship and one special skipper. Well, I like all the first commission had that privilege, and its a sad day to hear of the passing over of our skipper.
    At the reunion we all had a few minutes with him before the start of was like pushing the years back in the split of a second.
    One of the lads remarked to the skipper..........sir, "you were a great Captain and we would have followed you anywhere you wanted us to go"........... there is nothing else to say............. time served vg sup

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Heald Green Cheshire NOT Greater Manchester!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by sugna2 View Post
    We all think during our time in the Navy that we have one special ship and one special skipper. Well, I like all the first commission had that privilege, and its a sad day to hear of the passing over of our skipper.
    At the reunion we all had a few minutes with him before the start of was like pushing the years back in the split of a second.
    One of the lads remarked to the skipper..........sir, "you were a great Captain and we would have followed you anywhere you wanted us to go"........... there is nothing else to say............. time served vg sup
    Well said.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    It was with great sadness that I read today via your newsletter of the death of Ray Lygo having missed it in the national press.
    Few present at the reunion, like myself could failed to have been moved when, obviously frail but refusing all offers of help, managed to gain his feet to deliver a speech of characteristic vigour, insight and humour, giving as at all times, nothing less than he felt was expected of him.
    Both Admirals present that night I think , perfectly represented an age when we seemed to effortlessly produce a succession of such men who can be compared in every respect, to the most illustrious of their predecessors, conducting themselves at all times, in finest traditions of the Service. In my time I grew used to being able to follow such men without question, found, that the biggest adaptation that I had to make in civilian life, was to discover that outside of the Services, people occupy all sorts of positions of rank and authority at every level – for no good or apparent reason. There seemed to be then (as is even more apparent today) no understanding at all of the essential and crucial differences between mere administration or management and leadership. Understanding that loyalty, trust and respect have to be earned. Both of these men were/are natural leaders – able to employ the same attributes that made them so successful in the Services, to go on and build significant second careers in industry. Speaking with undimmed authority, passion and energy it is by no means clear that John Treacher considers his contribution to be by any means over. Sadly these days few choose to listen to such a voice born of hard won experience. There can be no doubt that our nation will come to regret not doing so. ‘One thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history’

    Admiral Sir Raymond Lygo was a man of demonstrable and proven courage professionalism and integrity, who demanded the highest standards of competence and probity from those about him but was, as was the measure of the man, the most demanding of these virtues in and of, himself.
    He will be missed.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Rugby, Warwickshire
    Jimdavis, what a wonderful obituary. You have captured the essence of service life so completely. It makes me proud to say that I would have followed my captain (John Treacher) to the edge of the world and back again. Strange, but he was the only skipper that I ever felt like that about. True leaders of men. God bless them.
    "Up Spirits, Stand fast the Holy Ghost"

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Heald Green Cheshire NOT Greater Manchester!!!
    Although niether of the Admirals were my skipper on the Lowie,and from my brief meeting with them at last year's renion I agree wholeheartedly with what has been said.Also our skipper on the 2nd Commish,Cdr.Fawcett,while not having as successful a career as the 2 Admirals,was also a true Gentleman in my opinion.He has also now crossed the bar.

    And,I agree with Jock,what a lovely obituary from Jim Davis.Well said mate.

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