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Thread: What is Dying

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Ensign What is Dying

    What is Dying

    A ship sails and I stand watching
    Till she fades on the horizon
    And someone at my side says
    “She has gone”
    Gone where?
    Gone from my sight – that is all
    She is just as large as when I saw her…….
    The diminished size and lack of sight
    Is in me, not her
    And just at the moment when someone at my side says
    “She is gone”
    There are others who are watching her coming
    And other voices take up a glad shout
    “Here she comes”

    ….and that is dying.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Heald Green Cheshire NOT Greater Manchester!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ianmac View Post
    What is Dying
    That is very profound Ian.
    "Wot,no Airlocks on the Lowie!!!!"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Loved the analogy Ian.

    The ties that bind us can't easily - if ever - be broken. I've heard it described as being some distance behind someone, on say a country walk with others, yet still be aware of their presence and with it, a feeling of shared experience, comfort and companionship.

    Watched a good documentary last year - The Secret Life of Waves (by a documentary maker called David Malone) which demonstrated (among other things) that waves are not made of water but energy. As we know, it's not the water that moves (its motion is cyclical) - but the energy.
    Part of it showed the track of a huge wave born in the Southern Ocean, to where it eventually broke on a shore thousands of miles away - making a strong connection between the human life cycle and that of the wave.
    Its not available on IPlayer for some reason, but for anyone who didn't see it - if you can - it's worth seeking out and watching.

    I found it curiously comforting. It helped make sense, gave some understanding - about this, the most difficult subject/concept we face - in a way that simple faith (for me) just doesn't.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    It is on YouTube Jim, but not available to replay on a website. Just search for "The secret life of waves"
    "Do the right thing, even when no one is watching . . . It’s called integrity." ​

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