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Thread: Mike (Ginge) Whetlor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Ensign Mike (Ginge) Whetlor

    It is with great personal sadness that I have to inform you that Mike (Ginge) Whetlor 'crossed the bar' on Monday 22 January 2024. He served onboard Lowestoft during the 1965-1967 commission as an AB Gunnery rate.

    Mike was a 'Ganges Boy' and one of the original members of the Lowie Association and a great supporter who attended all our reunions and also the annual 'Jolly Boys' meet ups at the UJC. He was also a keen member of the 'Nelson Society' having served on HMS Victory as ship's company/guide when it was run by the RN.

    When we became aware that we lived not far away from each other we used to regularly meet up for a pub lunch and a good 'lamp swinging' session. He had retired from life as a London Bus driver to the Somerset seaside town of Watchet and when I moved to Taunton a few years ago he would catch the bus every 10-14 days so he could have a few tots and lunch with me at my new abode.
    He became a great mate and we both looked forward to our 'Tot Times' and spinning a few dits.
    I will miss him greatly and send sincere condolences to his wife Loretta.

    RIP Mike....Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Purbrook, Hants.
    Extremely sad news.
    Rest in glorious peace, Ginge.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Home is the sailor, home from the sea...

    Godspeed Mike, we will miss you.
    Last edited by jimdavis; 22-01-24 at 14:29.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Heald Green Cheshire NOT Greater Manchester!!!
    I am so sorry to hear this sad news Ian, Mike was a lovely man and told many dits about his time in the RN. He was telling me at the last re-union at Wroughton that he wasn't well. Can you please pass on condolences from Edith and me to his family Ian.

    RIP Mike.
    "Wot,no Airlocks on the Lowie!!!!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Very sad to hear this today Ian. As you say Ginge was a regular at the Jolly boys do in London and I met him there many times. Always cheerful.
    It is never too late to be what you might have been.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Low Mike Whetlor.

    Very sad news.
    Mike and I worked on the 4.5 together in 65/66, under the eye of Harry Hardgrave’s (Chief Mec)
    Mike was the 2’s rate and I was his flunky.
    Harry was also responsible for the maintenance of the diving equipment,
    As I was a ships diver, he (Harry) got me to do the maintenance so when job changes came round
    Harry fixed it for me to stay on the turret. So Mike and me worked together for over a year.
    Also we were in the same mess.
    Mike was heavy into Naval History and bought a load of my artefacts off my shipwreck (Halsewell)
    I think his front room is full of it.
    As Ian said Mike was a big supporter of our reunions and our meet ups at the UJC.
    So as you can imagine we always had a lot to talk about.
    A good friend and greatly missed.
    Sending sincere condolences to his wife Loretta and family.
    Rest in peace my old mate.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Sir!!... you've lost a lot of blood, but it's OK we've found most of it.

    Point to remember
    "The sea takes no prisoners"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Very sad news to hear that Mike has passed the bar, we always looked forward to seeing him, he will be greatly missed.

    RIP Mike.
    My time to pass or come again, the wheel of life keeps turning.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Mike Whetlor. Gentleman and sailor.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    alberta canada
    RIP mike sad news indeed

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Such sad news
    Always enjoyed chatting with him. He will be sadly missed
    Still shocked
    Please pass my condolences in to Loretta
    Sleep tight shipmate your duty is done
    Wij zjin Ajax, Wij zjin de beste

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