Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea.
Chas Gillespie, Sandy Sandy & Jacquie Sanders
Edith & Tony Smith and Marilyn & Pusser Hill
Piping Party pick up your dressing
Piping Party ready
Paul (Leo) Sayers and Martin Calvert
Richie reads the letter from HM the Queen.
Peter Harper(65-67) Pauline Harper Bunny Green(RNA) Dawn Green Frank Cohen(RNA) Jan Cawood Len Barlow(RNA) Liz Barlow Gerry O'Shea…
Pusse & Marilyn Hill, Cecilia and Roger May and EDith & Tony Smith
Ian & Lynn Fothergill, Val & Joe McCrevey, Chas Gillespie and John Osmond
Jacquie & Sandy Sanders
Sylvia & Dennis Goddard and Martin Calvert
Raffle/Auction time with Ron The Con & Frenchy
Retiring to the bar after the Gala Dinner Joe McCrevey, John Osmaond, Val McCrevey, Don Griffiths and Sandy Sanders